Ingredients Memory L-Tyrosine

L-Tyrosine   Vegan Friendly

Key Benefits of L-Tyrosine

  • May improve cognitive function †
  • May boost mood †
  • May assist thryroid function †

What is L-Tyrosine? 

Tyrosine is a popular dietary supplement used to improve alertness, attention and focus. It produces important brain chemicals that help nerve cells communicate and may even regulate mood. 

Typical Dose 500mg
Common Ranges 500 - 1,000mg
Dosage Ratio 1:1
Dosing Interval Once a Day
Optimal Timing Morning / Afternoon
Optimal Use Empty Stomach
Taste Profile Characteristic
Solubility Insoluble in water
Stability & Storage
Stable at room temperature. Not prone to clumping under normal conditions.
Safety Information
Always check with a qualified healthcare professional before taking this supplement if you are pregnant, nursing a baby, under 18 years of age, or if you have any known or suspected medical condition(s) and/or are taking any prescription or OTC medication(s). Keep out of reach of children and pets.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Supplements are not a substitute for a healthy, varied diet.
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£0.06 / gram

Primary Effects / Benefits

  Synergistic Ingredients

  • Caffeine Anhydrous

    Energy Focus Endurance Cognitive Function
  • Centella Asiatica (Gotu Kola)

    Memory Sleep Cognitive Function Stress
  • KSM-66® Ashwagandha

    Stress Strength Mood Sleep
  • Vitamin B6 (P5P)

    Energy Mood
  • Lemon Balm Extract

    Sleep Stress Mood Well-being
  • Red Reishi Mushroom Extract 8:1

    Immune Support Sleep Antioxidant Metabolic Function
  • Lion’s Mane 8:1 Dual Extract

    Memory Cognitive Function Neuroprotection Cardiovascular
  • BCAA 4:1:1

    Exercise Recovery Stamina Endurance Energy
  • Alpha GPC 50%

    Memory Cognitive Function Exercise Recovery Mood
  • Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN)

    Energy Metabolic Function Longevity Cognitive Function
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin 5’-Phosphate Sodium)

    Antioxidant Inflammation Energy Skin Health
  • Cat’s Claw

    Cognitive Function Mood Focus
  • Bacopa Monnieri Extract

    Memory Sleep Cognitive Function Stress